Base64 Decode

With the Base64 decode tool, you can easily decode the data encoded with the Base64 method. What is Base64 encoding? What does Base64 do? Find out here.

What is Base64 encryption?

It is an encryption method that has been developed depending on the fact that each letter character represents a number, and that provides storing data by converting it into text. Base64 encoding, which is an encoding method used especially when sending mail attachments; It provides conversion of binary data to text file in ASCII standards. First, after explaining some points about Base64, we will perform Base64 encode and decode operations with C++ language.

One of the main purposes of base64 encoding is to allow attachments to be attached to mails. Because the SMTP protocol, which allows us to send mail, is not a suitable protocol for sending binary data such as pictures, music, videos, applications. Therefore, with a standard called MIME, Binary data is encoded with Base64 and can be sent over the SMTP protocol. After the mail is sent, Binary data on the other side is decoded according to Base64 standards and converted to the required format.

Base64 encoding is basically expressing a data with different symbols. These symbols are a string of 64 different characters. The name given to the encoding already comes from the number of these characters. These 64 characters are as follows.

If you pay attention to the characters above, they are all ASCII standard characters and therefore each character has a numeric equivalent expressed as ASCII equivalent. For example, the ASCII equivalent of the character A is 65, while the equivalent of the character a is 97. In the table below, the equivalents of the characters in different bases, primarily ASCII, are given.

Base64 is an encoding technique developed to prevent data loss during data transmission. Most of us know it as a Base64 encryption method, but Base64 is an encoding method, not an encryption method. The data to be encoded is first separated character by character. Then, the 8-bit binary equivalent of each character is found. The 8-bit expressions found are written side by side and again divided into 6-bit groups. The Base64 equivalent of each 6-bit group is written and the encoding process is completed. In the decode operation, the opposite of the same operations is applied.

What does Base64 encryption do?

It is a unique encryption method that allows you to encrypt both transmission and storage transactions.

How to use base64 encryption?

Copy and paste the data you want to be encrypted to the relevant part on the left of the panel. Click the green “Query” button on the right. You can hide all data thanks to this tool, where you can perform both encryption and decryption.

Base64 encryption logic

The encryption logic is somewhat complex, but as a general expression, each of the data consisting of ASCII characters is translated into 64 different units, represented by numbers. Then these units are converted from 8-bit, that is, 1-byte fields to 6-bit fields. While performing this translation process, the translation into expressions used by 64 different numbers takes place. In this way, the data turns into a completely different and complex structure.

Base64 encryption benefits

It is used to protect data against external attacks. This encryption method, which outputs a complex 64 characters consisting of upper and lower case letters and numbers, significantly increases security.

Base64 encryption and decryption

At the first stage, the "encrypt" option is marked on the right side of the panel. The data set in this way is encrypted when the "Query" button is clicked. In order to decrypt, you need to click on the "Encrypt" text and click on the "Decrypt" text from the list. Then, by clicking the “Query” button, base64 decryption can also be performed.

How does base64 encryption work?

It is very easy to use this system, which is based on converting and storing ASCII characters into 64 different characters.

Where is Base64 used?

Base64 encoding is based on the conversion of data, usually in the form of strings, into numerical and complex expressions. It is one of the best ways to protect and store data.