Free Backlink Maker

With the free backlink generator, you can create free automatic backlinks for your websites with one click. Enter your website name and create online backlinks.

What is Backlink?

Backlinks are one of the most important SEO ranking factors to consider if you want to increase the traffic your site receives from Google. In fact, a statement by Google in 2016 stated that one of the most important ranking factors after content is backlinks.

But if you're new to the world of SEO and trying to increase your site's traffic, you probably don't know what backlinks are and why they're so important. This content contains everything you need to know about the concept of backlinks.

What is a backlink maker?

Backlink is one of the most used SEO tools in search engines. When you link a website to other websites, it is called a backlink.

The free backlink maker allows you to generate free backlinks. It is one of the very important factors that helps your website rank higher in the search engine. If you want traffic to your website, you have to search. In order to be able to search, you must create a backlink. We need to use backlinks to be able to search.

Backlinks are also called inbound links. A backlink is formed by linking a website to another website. Websites that have backlinks from other websites rank higher in search engines. With the free backlink maker, you can create backlinks and move your website to the top.

What does a backlink maker do?

The backlink maker is the most important tool to get quality reviews and feedback on your website in a short time. With the free backlink generator, you can create many original and quality backlinks in seconds.

One of the most important SEO tools in successful seo work is the automatic backlink maker or backlink maker tool. This tool shows you how popular the site is and which sites are advertising yours. That's why backlinks are so important.

It will be more beneficial for a site to get backlinks from sites with high hits. Getting a backlink to a site by using a backlink finder will increase the click-through rates and increase the site value.

By using the automatic backlink generator tool, you can get links from sites selected for you from sites that are seen as reliable by Google and other search engines. Adding backlinks is an important tool that effectively increases site value.

To use the automatic backlink generator tool, all you need to do is to type your site url address completely into the search box and then click the submit button. Sending free backlinks or getting free backlinks correctly is very important for a site owner.

Building backlinks is hard work and requires experience. For this, you can create better backlinks over time. With the free backlink generator, you can create a large number of quality backlinks in a few seconds by entering your website URL into the system.

Search engines treat quality backlinks on your website as recommendations. It is evaluated and rated by the linked website. If you have a backlink from a high-traffic, quality website, search engines will see it. Search engines will realize that your website is known and of good quality and will move your site to the top.

There is a lot of competition to rank higher in the search engine list. Websites that have managed to rise to the top continue to work and strive to stay on top. To get to the top and stay in the top positions, you must continue to add content and create backlinks to websites.

Ranking higher in search engines means more backlinks for online businesses. More backlinks means more traffic to the website. And these traffics return to businesses as customers. With the free backlink maker, you can have more traffic and more customers in a short time. And within seconds.

The use of a free backlink generator is easy for anyone to use. By entering the URL of the website you want to create a backlink for, it will show you a list of related websites within seconds, and then it will automatically create backlinks for your website from each website in the list.

It takes a long time to find backlinks that rank high in search engines. It can be difficult for new sites to get the best backlinks. You can start your research with a reliable automatic backlink generator. You can use the free backlink maker to find competitive backlinks.

You can view profiles of your competitors' backlinks that are already ranking high for your particular keywords. This will give you ideas for connecting. The free backlink maker is a backlink maker used to identify high quality links.

The backlinks you implement are very important in on-page SEO, online marketing, and off-page activities.

As it moves your page to the top in the search engine, it attracts more traffic to your website. Your website is getting noticed by a large number of people and is becoming popular. In this way, your awareness will increase and you will have a higher quality website. With the free backlink maker, the credibility of your website will also increase.

With the backlink maker, we can briefly say that you can have a more reliable popular website.

What does a backlink do?

Backlinks are paid or free links we have received for our web pages. In order to be useful, it must be permanent and of high quality. Many sites define this term in different ways and inform us. But the information 5 years ago is not the same as today's information. Search engines, especially Google, are in a formation that constantly renews and develops itself. Especially the algorithm changes it has made in the last 4 years have attracted the attention of its users.

In the past, when asked what is a backlink, I could say that it is a link you have received from somewhere. But this is no longer so. Any link that is not taken from quality sources is no longer a backlink for me. It's not just about getting links. What's the point after the link added somewhere is removed. Although this may be beneficial in the moment, it will be harmful in the future. In fact, they will have such serious damage that they will not be able to see our web pages in search engines again. I suggest you take this matter seriously. It's not enough just to get the link removed. It should be in behavior. Does the user coming through the link find what they are looking for? Does it come to fruition?

Understanding backlinks and their role in your strategy

Backlinks, also called "inbound backlinks" or "external backlinks" in SEO, are known as backlinks from a page on one site to a page on another. These are backlinks from third-party sources pointing to your site, compared to internal backlinks found between two pages on your site.


If you want to increase the SEO success of your site, you need to pay attention to the backlinks that Google and other search engines use when determining the authority of the sites. You should think of these as a site's reputation. Backlinks from site A to site B are seen as a vote for a reliable source.

If five people who don't know each other recommend a particular restaurant as the best in your city, you're probably confident that you'll find a good meal there, as more than one person will vouch for it. You should keep in mind that a similar situation applies to your site.


Google sees such backlinks as a popularity vote for a site or a web page. There is a strong correlation between those with more backlinks and those with higher rankings.

Any link to yourself (or another site) from someone else's site is a backlink. But you will soon learn that not all backlinks are created equal. It's just like relying on a recommendation from someone you respect versus someone you've never met before. Google cares much more about backlinks from more reliable addresses.

This trust comes in the form of PageRank, one of Google's algorithms that evaluates the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to a page to determine the relative score of that page's importance and authority. It is a value that can be questioned clearly before and cannot be measured today.

Backlink types

It has already been stated before that backlinks are not the same. Below are the different types of backlinks you need to know and understand. As you continue to learn about backlinks, it is best to study these types.

nofollow backlinks

Links are like votes from trusted sources. So if you don't want to vouch for a site but still want to give backlinks, there is a solution. Nofollow backlinks use the rel="nofollow" attribute to tell Google and other search engines that the backlink should not be followed.

Unfollowed backlinks do not pass PageRank. Therefore, they do not help the sites to rank higher on the search engine results page. However, Google announced in September 2019 that it had developed the nofollow feature.

When Nofollow was first introduced, Google did not consider any backlink marked this way as a value-adding signal in its search algorithm. However, this has now changed. All backlink attributes are now considered clues as to which backlinks to consider or exclude from the search.

This change, which was made to be considered as a clue, is interpreted differently according to some. According to them, in some cases (such as when an authoritative news platform adds site-wide attributes), Google's nofollow backlinks transfer trust.

Dofollow backlinks

Quite simply, a tracked backlink means a trustworthy backlink. In such backlinks, the PageRank value is transferred. Therefore, it is not possible to add any nofollow attribute. Dofollow backlinks do not have any follow feature.

Sponsored or paid backlink

Sometimes you can pay a blogger or a phenomenon to promote a piece of your content or create a review of one of your products. A rel=”sponsored” attribute must be added to notify Google if money or a product or service has changed hands on a backlink.

Paying for a backlink or giving a gift to get a backlink from a site violates Google's site administrator guidelines. If this is detected, your site's ranking in the search results may be negatively affected. The rel=”sponsored” feature prevents your site from being negatively affected by such backlinks.

UGC backlinks

UGC backlinks represent one of the new features introduced in 2019. UGC literally stands for user-generated content. UGC backlinks refer to backlinks from forums and blog comments. This feature tells Google that the backlink was placed by a user, not a site administrator.

High authority backlinks

To help your site rank higher, you should aim to create high-authority backlinks. Remember that not all backlinks are created equal. It's clear that Google's algorithm trusts some backlinks more than others.

High authority backlinks are those that come from reliable sources. As an example from a newspaper, it is understood that Google will trust a link from Hürriyet, right? They rely on backlinks from trusted established sites like Google's.

Of course, as mentioned earlier, the way Google evaluates authority is through the PageRank algorithm. However, in 2016, PageRank was stopped from updating. For this reason, the metric in question has lost its feature of being a public metric.

You may be wondering what PageRank is and why it is important for backlink building efforts in 2020. You can find information on this subject from many different sources. However, when assessing whether a backlink is of high quality, you must consider whether quality content is shared, which is credibility and the true value of the site.

While there are various metrics used by software platforms, these are not metrics used or endorsed by Google. These are merely indicators of the authority of a domain name. As a simple measure of authority, you might ask yourself if you can trust an endorsement from a site or publication.

Harmful backlinks (Unnatural backlinks)

Wrong backlinks can harm your site's ability to rank on Google. These will negatively affect the rankings you already have. Bad backlinks are often referred to as harmful or unnatural backlinks.

Harmful backlinks are usually those that come from low-quality or questionable sites, or are in direct violation of Google's site manager guidelines and are simply trying to alter search engine rankings. These can be explained as paid backlinks that are not marked with nofollow or sponsored attributes, backlinks from low-quality directories or bookmarking sites, commonly used footer backlinks, or unnatural backlinks that use exact matching backlink text.

You can audit your backlinks whenever you want. You should consider using a variety of backlink checking tools to determine if they are potentially harmful or unnaturally created backlinks.

Such tools will be able to help you analyze and get rid of harmful links pointing to your domain that could lower your ranking. You can also comprehensively review your overall backlink profile and health by linking the tools to your Google Search Console account.

After the analysis is complete, you must create a reject list and submit it to the Google Disavow Tool. Thus, you inform Google that you do not want the link between the relevant backlink and your site. It will usually be much healthier to do this after contacting the site administrator first and receiving a negative response.

Editorially placed backlinks

Google rewards the backlinks placed editorially by the owner of the site with the highest authority and passes the authority values ​​to other sites.

An editorially placed or earned backlink is when a journalist or webmaster places a backlink to a page that they think deserves traffic and authority. The reason for the backlink is not to try to manipulate search engine algorithms, but to improve a reader's experience.

Why are backlinks important?

You will be able to see that backlinks are always talked about a lot. There's no denying that these are an important area to focus your efforts on improving. So why?

They increase your rank

You've probably guessed this by now. Backlinks help you rank higher on Google and other search engines. Without great backlinks pointing to your site, it is difficult to prove that you are a trusted authority in your industry. That's why you're missing out on one of the most important ranking factors that deserves top rankings for key search terms.

For backlinks that will help you rank higher, you need to make sure you earn quality backlinks. You want to avoid those that violate Google's sitemaster guidelines, such as the type of backlink included in the classification of a backlink scheme intended to manipulate search results.

Backlink helps Google find your site.

Google's spiders (Googlebot) use backlinks to find new pages on the web. This is one of the main ways for content to be discovered and crawled and indexed. This is also the way Google navigates the web. A backlink from a trusted source helps your content get indexed faster by Google. In other words, fast sorting is possible in this way.

Backlinks increase your credibility

Great backlinks from authoritative and reliable sources will help you rank higher. But they can also help build your credibility as a business.

It directs traffic

In the early days of the web, backlinks were for navigation purposes only. The purpose of backlinks is simply to take web crawlers from page A to page B, not only within one site, but also between different sites. While backlinks are now used by Google as a ranking factor, the principle that large backlinks send invaluable traffic to your page has not changed much. You should not underestimate the traffic potential of backlinks. A great way to assess whether a backlink is valuable is to consider whether it is driving traffic from your main audience.

How to check backlink?

You will need to develop various tactics to plan a backlink building campaign and get more great backlinks to your site. Before you start doing these, you need to see how your competitors are performing from the backlink point of view. For this, it is important to examine your site's backlink profile.

There are many different tools you can use to review both your own backlink profile and that of your competitors. You can use Google Search Console for your own site's backlink profile. You can consider using SEMrush to examine your competitors' backlinks.

Backlink analysis using Search Console

Google Search Console will provide you with some data to review your own backlink profile. However, it will not provide any information about your competitors. However, it is a free tool. Even if the information you get here is somewhat limited compared to other tools, you will have learned how your site looks from Google's eyes.

First, go to Google Search Console and log in. Go to Connections using the menu on the left. Here, under the "External links" menu, you will see the backlinks to your site.

The general information you can obtain on this page will be as follows:

  • The number of external backlinks to your site.
  • Pages with the most backlinks.
  • The number of sites with the most backlinks.
  • The most commonly used backlink texts for external backlinks.

If you wish, you can export your site's external backlinks as a CSV file. To do this, simply use the button in the upper right corner.

How to analyze competitors' backlink profile?

Google Search Console is a great way to understand certain elements of your own backlink profile. However, you may want to use backlink information to help you create great backlinks and identify the tactics your competitors are using. For this, you need to get support from different tools such as SEMrush. So you can make your backlink strategy more usable.

Backlink Analysis

You can leverage Backlink Analytics to learn about a range of metrics and data points that will help you develop a better strategy. Thanks to this feature, you can also examine your competitor's backlink profile. Once you've entered a domain name in the tool, you're ready to gain a deeper insight into the site's backlink profile.

But what information can you actually get from the tool? Once you know these, you can develop your strategy. Wondering how to use them in your strategy? Check out the notes below.

  • Categories of referring domains – Here you can see how domains that backlink to a site are classified by topic. So you can examine the topical relevance of a domain's backlink profile. In addition, you can determine the sectors and opportunities that will be included in the campaign that belongs to you.
  • Top anchors – Understanding the most common backlink texts used in a domain's backlink profile is important to minimize the risk of negative action associated with harmful backlink building tactics. In this way, you can make your own strategy more natural.
  • Referring domains by Authority Score – You can evaluate the quality of the backlink profile using the SEMrush authority score, which helps you see not only how your own site is performing, but also how you stack up against the competition.
  • Referring domains – The number of unique referring domains correlates strongly with higher rankings. Using this as a competitive metric can help you identify true backlink gaps.
  • Link attributes – Once you understand the distinction between dofollow, nofollow, sponsored and UGC backlinks, you can plan a strategy for building a successful backlink profile.
  • Backlinks – Analyzing a competitor's backlinks will help you identify reach opportunities to try to build backlinks with your own domain. This will also help you review and understand who backlinks you and how.
  • Similar profiles – Do you want to delve deeper into competitors' backlink profile? You can use “similar profiles” analytics to find new opportunities. In line with these analyzes, you can have various data about the best performing sites.
  • Top pages – Here you can see which pages have the most backlinks pointing to them. Starting from this point, you can plan how you will use backlinks as part of your own internal backlink strategy.

If you want to get an idea of ​​the backlink profile of your own domain or someone else's domain, SEMrush's Backlink Analytics feature will help you. You should not underestimate the power of competitor analysis. With the right tools, you can improve your rankings and expand your organic growth.

Where to get free backlinks?

We have compiled the sites that can get backlinks for you. If you want to get a free backlink, you can use the following sites: backlink

You can get backlinks with, which works as a powerful content engine. It is included in the sites that can get backlinks related to your site and content globally by scanning the relevant resources. It is a reliable and quality site where you can get a quality service. backlinks

You can add backlinks not only to professional institutions or businesses, e-commerce sites, but also to your personal blog, and while doing this, you will get the benefits of adding natural links in the long run. LinkedIn is a very popular job placement site. backlinks

WordPress, which is frequently mentioned in Google algorithms, can add quality and natural links thanks to the Backlink add service it provides to its users. By using software that distributes backlinks in WordPress, you can add the most accurate backlinks to your site.

WordPress, a site supported by Google, has reached serious numbers around the world. It is a site that leads the business of adding links with the number of heavy users.

It is useful for those who want to add backlinks to create a hyperlink using WordPress with peace of mind.

youtube backlinks

Most recently, YouTube is the platform where you can use links and video backlinks that will help you gain hits on your site by adding links. YouTube is one of the platforms powered by Google that will help you rank higher in search engines.

Backlinks supported by the Google algorithm and optimized within the site are an effective solution for attracting visitors.

You can create a hyperlink by adding a link to the description section under Youtube videos.

It is a site that is the most used in the world and is at the top of the video backlink market due to its widespread use in recent times. It is a one-to-one method for those who can actively use it and for video content producers.

Instagram backlinks

It is no longer a secret that sites that actively use social media are the favorite sites of search engines. Due to the billions of use of social media around the world, forms of content creation based on consuming and consuming have been adopted.

Instagram, which is among our life active in our life flow with its millions of users, is undoubtedly one of the primary sources to be consulted about backlinks.

It is no longer difficult for you to have a site that is at the top of the search engines that can attract visitors with a quality link you will give in the Instagram profile section.

In addition, thanks to the links that can be given as explanations in the story and post sections, you can get positive results in the short and long term. backlink

It is a comment site that can work in harmony with your website and that you can use without any problems thanks to some in-site firewalls. We can say that adding links with comments eliminates the risk of spam, as it can only be done to site members.

Short Summary and General Advice: Let's go over what you need for Backlink Work;

First of all, create links on highly relevant articles, texts, articles, videos, images, files. Creating low-relevance links is strongly discouraged as it can play with your site's Google algorithm.

One of the most important details is this. Do not use illegal methods to gain hits on your site. Do not link to your site through sites that are very unrelated to your site. Do not use programs or similar methods. In short, don't practice behavior that is deemed inappropriate by Google and other search engines.

When using the above-mentioned backlinks such as text, videos, images, comments, you need to show that this business develops in the most natural way. This will be possible by avoiding mistakes such as uncontrolled link addition.

If you are a WordPress site user, you can create the most appropriate hyperlinks by using the plugin and help options on WordPress.

In line with our personal experience, we can say the following. You can choose comments, text or Sidebar options over social media. In this case, a linear increase may be reflected in your stats. This can have a positive impact on your earnings.


Backlinks are an important ranking factor. It is a factor that you cannot ignore if you want to rank higher on Google. Backlink building is a large area of ​​SEO in and of itself. You may encounter too many experts who focus solely on this area. You can take the first step by applying some quick backlink earning tactics.

If you try to build great backlinks, you will see an increase in your rankings. When you take a look at what your competitors are doing, you will definitely gain an advantage. Because you will be able to see new opportunities and evaluate them as much as possible.