Online JPG Image Compression

The online JPG compression and reduction tool is a free image compression service. Compress and shrink your JPG images without sacrificing quality.

What is image compression?

One of the most important criteria we pay attention to when developing a web-based application is the fast opening of our pages. Slow loading of pages will create dissatisfaction with our visitors, and search engines will lower their score due to late loading of the pages and cause them to rank lower in the search results.

In order for the pages to open quickly, we need to pay attention to situations such as low code size and the size of other files used, hosting the application on a fast server, and healthy operation of the software on the server. One of the most important factors affecting the page size is the size of the images. Especially multicolored and high resolution images directly affect the slow loading of the web page.

You can reduce the page size by compressing your images;

Today, site backgrounds, buttons etc. to solve this problem. many web images can be stored in a single image file and displayed on web pages with the help of CSS. However, it is also possible to show different pictures on many sites, for example, news related pictures on a news site or product pictures on a shopping site.

In this case, we know what we need to do. To reduce the size of the images we have to use as much as possible. The solution to the reduction process is simple, compress the images! However, the biggest disadvantage of this is the deterioration of the quality of the image.

There are many applications for compressing images and obtaining them in different qualities. Applications such as Photoshop, Gimp, Paint.NET are graphic processing editors that we can use for this purpose. Simple versions of such tools are also available online. The tool that I want to introduce to you in this article is an online tool that we can use only for this job, that is, to compress images without reducing the quality too much.

Online JPG image compression image tool, a free service from Softmedal, compresses the files in the best way without degrading their quality. In the tests, it is observed that the uploaded images are reduced by 70% with almost no deterioration in quality. With this service, you can compress the pictures you have in seconds without the need for a program, without reducing the quality of your pictures.

The online image compression tool is a method you can use to compress images with JPG extension. Reduce the storage size by compressing an image. It simplifies the transmission of the Picture and saves the time required to upload a Picture. Various tools are available to compress images. Image compression is of two types, lossy and lossless.

What is lossy and lossless image compression?

Lossy and lossless image compression is one of the two most popular methods for reducing the size of images. We recommend that you use one of these two methods when uploading images to your web page. In this article, we will try to explain the reasons for this and how to do it to help you maximize the performance of your site.

Why should we compress images?

Images that are large in size can negatively impact your web page performance, which hurts your SEO ranking and user experience.

According to research by Google, about 45% of users have a very low chance of visiting the same web page again when they have a bad experience.

Large images slow down the loading times of web pages. Minor delays may occur, which at least annoys the users of your web page. In the worst-case scenario, your site becomes completely inaccessible or unresponsive.

SEO rankings can be another element at risk, as we mentioned earlier. Google has confirmed that page speed is a very important ranking factor. A page with a slower load time can affect its indexing. Bing also does not specify how important page speed is.

This can also affect your slow page performance conversion level. According to an outdoor lifestyle firm called Dakine, pages that load faster increased their mobile revenues by about 45%. One of the methods they use is to optimize images on web pages.

Smaller size images also reflect positively on your subscription process. In short, they don't eat up their resources and thus help you save money.

This is because it helps you save space where thumbnails are stored and reduce bandwidth usage. If you have a shared hosting plan and your site has a lot of images, this is a big problem for you and your site.

In addition, it can be faster when you optimize your web page backup images.

When compressing your images, you don't have to worry about their quality. The methods we will describe have a technique developed to clear unnecessary information in your image files.

Online JPG image compression

How can we reduce the size of the images without harming their quality? How to reduce JPEG size, reduce photo size, reduce image size, reduce jpg file size? In order to answer all of these questions, we will talk about a simple system, but first of all, we would like to point out that you should set the images you want to use to the maximum size according to the current state of your site. Let's look at what this means; You will add an image to your blog page and the text area on your site will be set to 760px. If this image contains only a narrative and you do not need the large size of the image you want to upload, there is no point in uploading this image in excessively large sizes such as 3000 - 4000px.

What is lossy image compression?

Lossy image compression is a tool that extracts some data from the images on your site, thereby reducing the file size. Once this process is done, it can never be undone, so unnecessary information will be permanently deleted.

This technique can greatly compress the original image, while compromising its quality. Your image size may be quite small, but your image will become pixelated (degraded in quality). Therefore, it would be good to have a backup file before proceeding with this process.

GIF and JPEG files are cited as the best examples of lossy image compression methods. JPEGs are a good example of non-transparent images, while GIFs are good choices for animated images. These formats are pretty good for sites that need faster load times because you can adjust the quality and size to find the right balance.

If you are using the wordpress tool, it will automatically support you to compress JPEG files while transferring them to the media library. For this reason, Wordpress may show your images on your site in a slightly pixelated state.

By default, your images will decrease in size by 82%. You can increase the percentage or disable this feature. We'll talk about this in a moment.

What is lossless image compression?

Contrary to the previous selection, the lossless image compression technique will not degrade the image quality. Therefore, this method only deletes the unnecessary and additional metadata automatically generated by the device or the image editor to capture the photo.

The downside of this option is that it will not significantly reduce the file size. Even for some reasons the size will stay almost the same size. As a result, it is not possible to save large amounts of storage with this option.

This lossless compression option is well suited for images with a transparent background and text-heavy. If it is formatted using the lossless compression option, it will appear as BMP, RAW, PNG and GIF.

Which is more useful?

The answer to this question depends entirely on your needs. Most users, usually those who have an e-commerce, blog or news site, prefer to use the lossy image option. While helping your site to load faster, it provides high-level size reduction, bandwidth savings and storage.

In addition, web pages that need high quality images related to fashion, photography, modeling and similar topics prefer lossless image compression. This is because the optimized images are almost identical to the original.

Lossy image compression using WordPress

If you use Wordpress and prefer lossy image compression, Wordpress has a function to do this automatically. If you want to set the percentage, you can change the values ​​or play with the codes.

Keep in mind that this method will never affect the images available on your site.

You have to reproduce each one with the help of a plugin like Regenerate Thumbnails.

Alternatively, if you think that this is not a practical way, using a plug-in for image compression will be safer than other methods. Now we will talk about the plugin called Imagify.

Image compression with the Imagify method

Imagify helps you make your web page faster with lighter images while it varies according to your need rate.

This plugin not only automatically optimizes all the thumbnails you have uploaded, but also helps you compress images.

If you start using this plugin you will see 3 optimizing levels available.

Normal: It will use a standard lossless image compression technique, and the image quality will not be affected at all.

Aggressive: It will use a more powerful lossy image compression technique and there will be a small amount of loss you may not notice.

Ultra: It will use the most powerful lossy compression technique, but the quality loss will be noticed more easily.

It also helps to serve and convert Imagify WePs images. It is among the newest image formats developed by the Google company. This image format both greatly reduces the file size and offers high quality images.

We should also note that there are many alternative plugins such as WP Smush and ShortPixel to compress images in WordPress.