Meta Tag Generator

You can create meta tag for your website with meta tag generator. The meta tag specifies a brief summary of the title and description of a web page.

Maximum 65 Characters. (suggested)

Character: 0

Maximum 160 Characters. (suggested)

Character: 0

Enter The Site Author.

What is meta tag?

Meta tags are tags used in HTML and XHTML documents to allow structured metadata about a web page to be passed to search engine bots. Meta tags are tags that are not displayed as an element on the page, but only reside in the source code of the page and are used in SEO studies to transfer content-related signals to search engine bots.

The meta tags (meta markups) used among the tags in the source code of web pages are created with the HTML programming language. Meta tags are also called metadata (metadata) in the SEO and web world.

How to use meta tag?

Meta tags are used between the head lines at the top of the relevant document in a classic HTML document. The basic syntax of meta tags is "meta content".

Why is the meta tag important?

Meta tags are important for SEO processes with the contribution and effect they provide in transferring the meta data of the web page to the search engine bots and transferring the quick insight (pre-knowledge) about the web page to the user. Although meta tags are not displayed as a page element on web pages, meta tags such as title and meta description tag can be displayed especially in search results, thus allowing the user to have the first insight into the content.

The title tagging and meta description used on the web page are read by search engine bots and used in search results. For this reason, the use of meta tags that are compatible with the content on the page, which successfully explains the relevant content, can increase the click-through rate of the users in the search results. In particular, the descriptive and attractive arrangement of the page title used in the meta title tag affects the search result performance of the page.

Meta tags are important for search engine bots, especially the title tag, in collecting important content-related signals and collecting basic information about the page content.

The meta title tag used in the HTML document is the top title used on the page. The meta title, also called the browser header, is crawled by search engines and displayed in search results.

Why is Meta Title Tag Important?

Meta title tags are important for SEO processes, especially because they are the title that represents the site on search results pages. It is important to successfully organize the meta title tag in order to increase the click rate on the search result pages and to have a preview of what the content is related to the user who sees the content.

When using the meta title tag, you should pay attention to the following;

  • It is important to create unique meta titles for all pages. Otherwise, duplicate meta titles will negatively affect the site's search performance.
  • It is important to use meta titles that describe the content, are informative, and are consistent with the content and user search intent.
  • It is important to use the search query (keyword) targeted by the web page in the meta title.
  • In order to ensure that the texts used in the meta title sections can be displayed clearly on different screen sizes, attention should be paid to the screen pixel limits and the meta title texts should be created in accordance with the limits. Meta titles that are too long and do not take into account the pixel limits can cause problems in the search results pages of devices with small screen sizes.

The description entered in the meta description section is directly displayed by the user in search engine queries. For this reason, although they are not a direct ranking factor, meta description tags, as the areas where the content of the page is explained in the lower part of the meta title of the web page in the search results, seriously affect the click-through rates.

Why is the meta description important?

Meta description tags and the texts written in the related tags can affect the click-through rates of the pages, as they are directly displayed by the users on the search result pages.

For this reason, it was created successfully; Meta description texts (tags) that convey the content to the user in the most concise, remarkable and accurate way possible will positively increase users' click preferences to the site. Meta description tags are important for SEO processes with the CTR (click-through rate) effect they provide.

When using the meta description tag, you should pay attention to the following;

  • Original meta description text should be created for all pages.
  • The meta description text should be as summary as possible describing the page and should be compatible with the page content.
  • Duplicate meta description texts should not be used.
  • Using eye-catching meta descriptions that will increase the attention of users to your content on search results pages is important to increase the CTR rates of the page.
  • In the meta description text, it is important to use text highlights that indicate that the content that the user may need is included on the page, taking into account the user's search intent.
  • In order to ensure that the texts used in the meta description fields can be displayed clearly on different screen sizes, attention should be paid to the screen pixel limits and the meta description texts should be created in accordance with the limits.

What is the meta viewPort tag?

Viewport is the name given to the user-viewable portion of a web page. The Viewport tag, which is used to control the area that the user views on the web page based on devices, is the meta tag that tells the browser how to render the web page on a mobile device. The presence of this tag in the HTML document indicates to Google that the page is mobile friendly.

Why is the meta viewport tag important?

The viewport meta tag gives the browser instructions on how to control the dimensions and scaling of the page. Otherwise, the browser may incorrectly scale the page based on different viewport fields.

If the meta viewport tag is not used or used incorrectly, the display structure of the web page will be broken for mobile devices and different screen sizes. Since the related situation will negatively affect the user experience, especially for mobile devices, the search performance of the relevant web page will also be negatively affected.

Since the viewport tag plays an important role in specifying how the page will be rendered (scaled) for different screen sizes, it is important to provide a responsive and compatible website and web pages for all devices.

The meta charset (content-charset) tag is the meta tag used to describe the content type and character set of the web page. In case the meta charset tag is not used or created incorrectly, the web page may be misinterpreted by the browsers.

It is important that the meta charset tag, which you see above are two different usage examples for UTF-8 and ISO-6721-1, is used for healthy browsing processes on all web pages. The character set that Google recommends to be used whenever possible is UTF-8.

Why is the meta charset tag important?

In case the meta charset tag is not used or used incorrectly, the web page may be displayed incorrectly in browsers. The display of any text or expression on the page may be performed incorrectly and the user experience and the overall quality of the page may deteriorate. In such a scenario, negative user experience can negatively affect the page's search result performance.

For this reason, it is important to use meta charset tagging on all web pages and specify the page character set in order to ensure a successful user experience and prevent possible rendering (display) and character set errors.

Meta robots tag

The meta robots tag is a meta tag used to pass page-related crawling and indexing directives to search engine bots. Directives such as preventing a web page from being indexed with meta robots tags can be passed to search engine bots.

All search engine bots are targeted with the phrase "robots" in the Syntax example. When targeting a specific search engine bot, it is necessary to enter the user-agent information of the relevant search engine bot in the robots section.

Meta robots directives

  • Index: It is the directive code that indicates that the search engine bots want the page to be indexed. If the noindex expression is not used, the page will be processed directly through the index directive.
  • Noindex: It is the directive code that informs the search engine bots that the page is not wanted to be indexed.
  • With the Follow: Follow expression, it is conveyed to the search engine bots that the links on the page can be followed and they are requested to be followed.
  • Nofollow: With the nofollow directive, it is conveyed to search engine bots that it is not desired to follow the links on the page. (The nofollow expression is a clue, not a directive. For this reason, even if the nofollow expression is included on the page, Google can scan and follow the links on the page)

Why is the meta robots tag important?

With the meta robots tags, directives and clues such as whether a web page will be indexed, whether the links on the page will be scanned or not, can be transferred to search engine bots and the page architecture of the site can be controlled.

Meta robots tags are important for SEO processes with their contribution in ensuring the index control of the site and especially in preventing scenarios such as possible incorrect indexing and unwanted pagerank transfer.

What is meta tag generator?

Meta tag Generator Tool is a free Softmedal seo tool. Meta tags are the type of keywords that appear in the HTML code of a web page and tell search engines what the main topic of the page is. Meta keywords are different from general keywords because they appear in the background. In other words; Meta keywords appear live directly on your page, rather than in the source code of your page.

The most important thing to remember when choosing your own meta tags is to make sure that each keyword accurately describes the content of your page. For example, if your site is a site where content about Automobiles is shared, using keywords such as 'Bags for Sale' or 'Christmas Clothes' will be extremely wrong choices in terms of gaining effectiveness.

Google, Bing and Yahoo give importance to Meta-Tags, which are search friendly and related to the structure of your site. That's why you can use the Meta-Tag Generator Tool for free, one of the IHS Free Seo Tools, where you can create meta-tags that will enable you to achieve better search engine rankings.

You can also create meta tags by following the steps below on the completely free meta tag generator tool:

  • Type the title of your web page.
  • Write the description of your site.
  • Type the keywords on your website, separated by commas.
  • Choose what type of content your site will display.
  • Choose the main language you will use on your website.
  • Click on Create meta tag.

Many online marketers argue that meta tags are unnecessary nowadays. They do this because most search engines like Google have realized that websites can fill their own meta tag fields with black-hat techniques. While meta keywords are not among the most important factors affecting rankings, when used correctly they can play a vital role in improving your site's Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and can help increase your site's traffic flow. It should not be forgotten that every mini improvement in Search Engine Optimization can make a big difference!

If you want to create meta tags for your website, the most important point to be sure is; The keywords you have chosen are appealing to your site in question. This free meta tag generator tool, which is search engine friendly, allows you to create a dynamic title and tags. Meta tags will not only help search engines understand what your pages' content is about, but will also improve your search rankings.