HTML Minifier

With HTML minifier, you can minify the source code of your HTML page. With the HTML compressor, you can speed up the opening of your Web sites.

What is HTML minifier?

Hello Softmedal followers, in today's article, we will first talk about our free HTML minifier tool and other HTML compression methods.

Websites consist of HTML, CSS, JavaScript files. In other words, we can say that these are the files sent to the user side. Apart from these files, there are also Media (image, video, sound, etc.). Now, when a user makes a request to the website, if we consider that he has downloaded these files to his browser, the higher the file sizes, the more traffic will increase. The road needs to be widened, which will be the result of increased traffic.

As such, website tools and engines (Apache, Nginx, PHP, ASP etc.) have a feature called output compression. With this feature, compressing your output files before sending them to the user will provide faster page opening. This situation means: No matter how fast your website is, if your file outputs are large, it will open slowly due to your internet traffic.

There are many methods for site opening acceleration. I will be trying to give as much information as I can about compression, which is one of these methods.

  • You can make your HTML outputs by using the software language you have used, the compiler, and the server-side plug-ins. Gzip is the commonly used method. But you need to pay attention to the structure in the Language, Compiler, Server trilogy. Make sure that the compression algorithm on the language, the compression algorithm on the compiler and the compression algorithms provided by the Server are compatible with each other. Otherwise, you may get undesirable results.
  • It is also a method to reduce your HTML, CSS and Javascript files as much as possible, to remove unused files, to call occasionally used files on those pages and to ensure that no requests are made every time. Remember that HTML, CSS and JS files must be stored with the system we call Cache on browsers. It is true that we subtitle your HTML, CSS and JS files in your standard development environments. For this, publishing will be in the development environment until we call it going live (publishing). While going live, I would recommend that you compress your files. You will see the difference between file sizes.
  • In media files, especially icons and images, we can talk about the following. For example; If you say icon over and over and put the 16X16 icon on your site as 512×512, I can say that that icon will be loaded as 512×512 first and then compiled as 16×16. For this, you need to reduce the file sizes and adjust your resolutions well. This will give you a great advantage.
  • HTML compression is also important in the software language behind the website. This compression is actually something to consider when writing. This is where the event we call Clean Code comes into play. Because while the site is being compiled on the server side, your unnecessary codes will be read and processed one by one during the CPU / Processor. Your unnecessary codes will extend this time while mini, milli, micro, whatever you say will happen in seconds.
  • For high-dimensional media such as photos, using post-loading (LazyLoad etc.) plugins will change your page opening speeds. After the first request, it may take a long time for the files to be transferred to the user side depending on internet speeds. With the post-loading event, it would be my recommendation to speed up the page opening and pull the media files after the page is opened.

What is HTML compression?

Html compression is an important factor to speed up your site. We all get nervous when the sites we are browsing on the internet work slow and slow, and we leave the site. If we are doing this, why should other users have to visit again when they experience this problem on our own sites. At the beginning of the search engines, Google, yahoo, bing, yandex etc. When bots visit your site, it also tests speed and accessibility data about your site, and when it finds errors in the seo criteria for your site to be included in the rankings, it ensures whether you are listed on the back pages or in the results.

Compress your site's HTML files, speed up your website and rank high in search engines.

What is HTML?

HTML cannot be defined as a programming language. Because a program that works on its own cannot be written with HTML codes. Only programs that can run through programs that can interpret this language can be written.

With our HTML compression tool, you can compress your html files without any problems. As for other methods./p>

Take advantage of browser caching

To take advantage of the browser caching feature, you can minify your JavaScript/Html/CSS files by adding some mod_gzip codes to your .htaccess file. Next thing you need to do is to enable caching.

If you have a wordpress-based site, we will soon publish our article about the best caching and compression plugins.

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Above, we talked about the site acceleration and html compression tool and the benefits of compressing html files. If you have any questions, you can reach us by sending a message from the contact form on Softmedal.